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Interactive Features

Interactive features are modal forms, fixed header and footer notifications. Please note, that the modal forms are templates and are not connected to a database!

Simple Modal Window

Customize your alert to show a modal window. You can insert all kinds of text and informations in these modals without headaches!

Simple Login Modal Template

The design is ready, all you need is to connect it to your page. It's a simple and elegant way to login on a mobile without using extra space.

Social Login Modal Template

The design is ready, all you need is to connect it to your page. It's a simple and elegant way to login on a mobile without using extra space.

Profile Modal. Engage your users!

In the age of social media, getting likes and followers is a must, but it's annoying sometimes to have your media icons ignored.

There are even more!

There are a tone more features with our item, check some more below! Click them and enjoy! We're pretty sure you'll find them useful one day!

Fixed Bottom Share Box Fixed Top Notification Fixed Bottom Notification Fixed Top Notification With Timeout Fixed Bottom Notification With Timeout
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Did you know?

Easy way to make sure your messages get read!

Did you know?

Easy way to make sure your messages get read!

Timeout: 5 Seconds

I'll go away on my own after a few seconds!

Timeout: 5 Seconds

I'll go away on my own after a few seconds!